“UNCLOS 20 YEARS” – A Seminar Announcement

发布人: 胡方舟 | 发布时间: 2002-07-11 | 阅读数:
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a seminar -- “UNCLOS 20 YEARS” will be held on the beautiful campus of Xiamen University between August 20 – 23, 2002. The Chinese Society of Law of the Sea and Xiamen University will co-host this academic occasion. Practice of China in the filed of the law of the sea will be reviewed by academic experts and policy makers in the seminar.   Xiamen University Law School and its Center for Oceans Law Studies (XMU-COLS) will be managers of the seminar. You are welcome to contact us any time at: cols@xmu.edu.cn or xmu_cols@sohu.com. Or you may want to fax to Dr. Kuen-chen Fu at: (86-592)-218-7781.