
发布人: 董晓晴 | 发布时间: 2017-04-12 | 阅读数:


We would like to introduce you to the Maastricht Summer School, a collaboration between Maastricht School of Management, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht University.

The Maastricht Summer School takes place in July & August 2017 and offers courses in a variety of fields and disciplines. Most courses are geared towards students at undergraduate/bachelor level but may also be of interest to graduate/master level students and professionals.

Please see our attached brochure or visit our website for more information on our courses. We would be grateful if you could make this information available to your students and staff.

For further information or special requests please contact the director Mr. Jorg de Vette or programme coordinator Ms. Maaike van Eck at summerschool@maastrichtuniversity.nl. It will be our pleasure to be of assistance and to answer any questions you might have.
