
发布人: 董晓晴 | 发布时间: 2017-03-24 | 阅读数:

俄勒冈大学法学院(Oregon University School of Law)为我院合作院校,目前与我院签订了“1+1+1”的合作协议。已完成厦门大学法学院一年硕士学习的学生,可以申请俄勒冈的LLM项目。俄勒冈会为厦大申请学生提供达到50%的学费减免。


有兴趣的学生请登录俄勒冈大学法学院官网https://law.uoregon.edu。如有LLM项目的相关问题,可以咨询Ms. Kristie Gibson,kgibson@uoregon.edu。

As the Oregon Law LL.M. program has a rolling admission cycle, applicants can apply at any time during the year. However, we encourage applicants to apply by March 15 for the August semester, and by October 15 for the January semester, to provide ample time for the visa process. We are still accepting applications for the August 2017 semester.
In regard to the JD program, the application deadline is March 1, but the JD program encourages applicants to apply as early as possible. The JD application is usually available in early September.