
发布人: 董晓晴 | 发布时间: 2017-03-14 | 阅读数:

Application is invited for “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme” (Targets: Non-local PhD students who are currently pursuing doctoral studies at non-local universities)

「香港研究訪問學人」計劃現正接受申請 (對象: 現正於非本地大學就讀博士研究課程的外地青年學人)

Established in July 2015, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is the first academy dedicated to fostering Hong Kong studies within local tertiary institutions.

Aiming at encouraging non-local young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics with a view to building a trans-regional Hong Kong Studies Research Community, the AHKS has introduced a new initiative entitled “Hong Kong Studies Visiting Fellowship Programme”. All non-Hong Kong residents who are currently registered PhD students at non-local universities are welcome to apply on or before 10 April 2017. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to conduct a visiting research in Hong Kong for no more than two months (June to August every year, the exact time period will be further discussed with successful applicants).

The detailed programme information and application procedures are available at the AHKS website: https://www.eduhk.hk/ahks/view.php?secid=51335.