San Diego State University (SDSU) Summer Program for Chinese students

发布人: 董晓晴 | 发布时间: 2017-03-14 | 阅读数:

San Diego State University (SDSU) Summer Program for Chinese students

22 July – 19 Aug 2017– San Diego, California & Las Vegas, Nevada


       This year San Diego State University (SDSU), as part of its expanding exchange program will conduct a four-week program on Basic Trial Advocacy in English in San Diego, California.  The course will consist of at least four class hours each day (three hours on role playing in an advocacy program and one hour of conversational English) five days a week.  On each class day the student will perform as either a prosecutor or defense lawyer.


       The focus will be on developing advocacy skills and improving one’s English. The program includes not only practical class work, but practical experience – visit to courts, jails, and participation in a police patrol.  The principal instructors in the program are SDSU Prof. John Cleary and local San Diego lawyers, prosecutors, and judges and a language teacher.


       A two-day visit to the modern federal court in Las Vegas, Nevada, is planned at the end of the course to provide a working understanding of how the judiciary, prosecution, and defense work.


       Students will live in a student hotel (Vantaggio), two to a room, in the center of downtown San Diego rather than the SDSU dormitories. 


       This educational course requires no specific prior knowledge of the American legal system or courtroom advocacy, but is designed for the serious student who wants to learn about the culture and legal system of the United States and develop presentation skills and English.  Before acceptance in the course students will be tested on their knowledge of the case problem for the advocacy course.


       English competency is required (approximately 50% on a TOEFL exam) and will be tested, and students promise that they will generally speak only English when they are in America.


       Students are responsible for their own air travel arrangements in arriving on 22 July 2017 in San Diego and leaving San Diego on or after 19 August 2017.  Student participants arriving earlier or staying later must provide for their additional stay.  Students are requested to have their flights end in San Diego, and those choosing to fly to Los Angeles (LAX) must make their own transportation arrangements to arrive in time in San Diego.  The airline ticket should not be purchased before receipt of the U.S. visa.


       SDSU will provide an official request DS 2019 (invitation) for a U.S. J-1 visa, but the decision to grant the visa is solely that of the respective American Embassy or Consulate.  The student has the option of seeking a U.S. Tourist visa, but for first time visitors the J-1 visa is recommended.


       Students will be selected by a committee of Prof. Cleary and a representative of the law school or XMU on the basis of excellence as a student, knowledge of the course materials, and proficiency in English.  The decision of the committee is final.  The maximum number of students will be 30.  All students are required to cooperate with one another in a spirit of cooperation and camaraderie.


       The educational program is provided by the voluntary services of San Diego teachers and lawyers and without cost to the applicant. The student is responsible for, will arrange for, and will pay for the airline ticket (approximately $1,200).  Upon arrival in San Diego, the student will pay the student hotel (approximately $800 each for a double room).  The student will also pay approximately $400 for the three-day visit to the federal court in Las Vegas.  Each student must have SDSU approved health coverage for the stay, which is approximately $80 and will be paid at the time of arrival.


Each student is personally responsible for all costs in seeking a visa from the American Embassy or Consulate ($160 for the visa) including related costs, which are non refundable expenses. Personal subsistence (all meals), clothing, entertainment, sport, or other social activities is the responsibility of the student, who should have on hand the finances to handle these expenses.  The student is responsible for all expenses for public or private transport in San Diego or elsewhere.


The students must be proper representatives from their university and the People’s Republic of China and must always comply with the directions of the SDSU and Chinese law school representatives.  Violations of law or regulations of the United States, the states or local authorities, SDSU, or of the People’s Republic of China or home university, improper behavior, refusal to participate in class or make a honest attempt to study and learn, failure to attend class or repeated tardy attendance, failure to do their own work, or cheating will be grounds for immediate termination of the student from the program.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: 01 May 2017: Application accompanied by a copy of picture and photograph page of an international passport, and a resume must be physically received by Professor Cleary (by hand or email by the deadline.

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